Your book, beautifully crafted. Inside and out.

Why An Albatross?

The albatross, besides being an incredible species, is rich with symbolic meaning. Throughout poetry, mariner mythology, and literature, this creature was generally seen as a good omen. Considered a rare sighting, if sailors were lucky enough to spot the massive, yet graceful bird at sea, they felt it brought confidence, good luck, and fortune to their journey. They were seen as mystical creatures, and it was considered a bad omen to kill or trap one.

The coined idiom, "an albatross around the neck" refers to a heavy burden on the wearer. We as a company desire to instill confidence and assurance in your project as we help you navigate the twists and turns that come with your specific book’s needs.

Let us help relieve the burdens that can weigh down your vision so you can focus on the creative process and getting your book out into the world.